Modernising a 600 years old Chinese icon

Baijiu, the national spirit of China, has permeated people’s life, from daily get-togethers to premium business occasions. It signposts both personal tastes and social status. We saw an opportunity to turn its rich, historical heritage to become a contemporary, social badge about a new China.
承载着中华民族精神的白酒,不仅在日常聚会,还是高级商务场合,都已经深深融入到人们的日常生活之中。 它彰显出来的不仅是饮酒者的社会地位,更是他的个人品味。我们由此看到新的营销机遇——让白酒丰富的、充满历史感的文化传承,不仅仅保存在历史中,而是对当代中国社会、中国人的生活产生更多的启发意义。

Turn a 600-year historic baijiu brand to become a modern China national treasure.

With more than six centuries of Baijiu heritage, we created a television film for Shijinfang, titled ‘What’s the Meaning of Being Alive’. It tells the legacy of the brand, its ancient Chinese craftsmanship, its distinctiveness – executed with a sublime modernity to inspire today’s consumers.

Watch it here

Shuijinfang joined forces with CCTV, the most influential media in China, to sponsor National Treasure (a TV show about exploring the anecdotes and stories behind historic relics). This created a national phenomenon among the young generation by changing and modernising their understanding of traditional Chinese culture. The brand caught on national attention and pride, as it also engages young consumers on social media, which increased brand affinity.

Shuijinfang sponsored National Treasure and developed its CNY KV based on , one of the most popular relics in the show. 除了冠名国家宝藏,水井坊还在宝藏里最受欢迎的“千里江山图”的基础上,延展出其新年的主视觉。


As a brand that protects and uplifts the intangible cultural heritages of China, we also launched a social media activation “I’m the Guardian of Intangible Cultural Heritage” on WeChat (the most popular social app in China), which ignited consumers’ enthusiasm to protect and revive Chinese heritage.
作为一个长期致力于保护和提升中国非物质文化遗产的品牌,水井坊在微信(目前中国最受欢迎的社交应用)上推出了一项社交媒体活动—— “我是非遗守护人”,点燃了消费者保护和复兴非遗的热情。

We used a phoenix to represent Chinese culture, and with the traditional Chinese artistic expression “Yunjin” and “Daqi” to bring the culture alive in front of consumers. 我们用凤凰来代表中国文化,用中国珍稀的传统非物质文化遗产“云锦”和“大漆” 将这种文化带到消费者面前。


The brand also held a media showcase, “Living Heritage and Rebirth of Culture” – a platform for cutting-edge organizations to share and discuss about Chinese heritage. It made Shuijinfang a new kind of China national treasure.

National Treasure gained 529 million views on CCTV and other major social media platforms in China (Youku, Bilibili, Iqiyi). Related topics were clicked more than 17,000,000 times. When National Treasure was on the air, Brand’s Search Index of SJF (Baidu and Weibo search index) went up to a new high.

The social activation “I’m the Guardian of Intangible Cultural Heritage” recorded more than 44,000 participations, and the size of brand community increased by 30,000 fans.

This campaign made Shuijinfang the premium cultural baijiu brand in China. Consumers, even the young generation, are drawn towards the brand’s baijiu culture. We have created a modern China national treasure.
整个营销活动,实现了水井坊品牌从“传统白酒“到“文化白酒“品牌的转变——以“活着的传承”, 赋予中国传统文化更多意义,启发和影响每一位现代消费者的生活。品牌所倡导的“让传承活起来”不仅影响了很多已有的白酒消费者,更多年轻一代都被深深吸引并积极参与到活动中。水井坊,为传统赋予新生,成为一个现代又传统中国国家宝藏。